New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday advised the Delhi Minorities Commission (DMC) to raise the issues faced by the minorities more effectively and take steps to redress their grievances in a concerned manner.
Kejriwal, who met a delegation of DMC led by Chairman Zafarul-Islam Khan, released the Annual Report of the activities and initiatives of the Commission for the year 2017-18, an official statement said.
Releasing the report, the Chief Minister “asked the Commission to be more vocal and proactive in raising the issues faced by the minorities and to redress their grievances in an effective and concerned manner,” it reads.
In the report, the DMC details various activities of the Commission among the minority communities, awareness camps held and various schemes of the state and Central governments implemented for their welfare, as well an evaluation of the implementation of certain schemes of minorities’ financial inclusion, seminars and meetings of the DMC advisory and peace committees, the statement added.
Formed to look into specific complaints regarding deprivation of rights and safe-guards of the minority communities, the DMC takes up such matters with appropriate authorities for necessary action.
The minority communities in Delhi are the communities which were notified by the Central government as per the provisions of National Commission for Minorities Act 1992 and includes Islam (Muslims), Sikhism (Sikhs), Christianity (Christians), Jainism (Jains), Buddhism (Buddhists) and Zoroastrianism (Parsis).