Hamari Daak (09.03.2011)

Sanskrit as II language in Inter and Degree?

Recently I got an opportunity to visit a few colleges where I came to know that in Corporate Colleges, students are wooed by the managements to take Sanskrit as II language if they want to get 100 marks out of 100.

This is how our Muslim students became a prey to this leaving Urdu and Arabic behind in order to chase the marks only.

It would have been a better approach, if the Muslim students would have insisted to study Urdu and Arabic and had asked the college management to appoint Urdu and Arabic lecturers.

This is how they could have got the vast knowledge of the Islam and the worldly affairs as well.

Our Urdu and Arabic lecturers also woo the students by awarding them 100 marks out of 100 a la Sanskrit. It is high time that the concerned parents should pay attention.

A Qudrat      Malakpet