Hamari Daak (07.03.2011)

Exam preparations and responsibilities of the parents

Now the annual exams are going to be commenced and this increases the responsibilities of the students and the parents as well. If parents pay attention towards the studies of their wards, then they don’t face any difficulties later.

To get their homework done, pay extra attention to the subjects in which they are weak etc. It’s high time for the parents to devote more time to their wards after completing their routine work. First of all, keep your TV set off. Even if you’re addicted to it, do it after making sure that children are slept.

It’s funny that you’re watching TV and asking your children to get their homework done. They need right guidance at the right time. Ask them to sleep on time. Give them food at the right time with the right diet. Here the term ‘right’ plays an important role.

It so happens that in order to study, students keep awake till late night, which is not advisable. As the saying goes: Early to bed early to rise keeps the man healthy and wise.

Similarly, ask them to get up early and after namaz-e-Fajr, start the studies, as the mind is fresh in the morning hours.

It is also advisable for the children to have a morning walk. No child is weak as far as studies are concerned; it is our wrong way of guidance or negligence, which make them weak. The right guidance of the parents safeguards their future.

Rabia Raheem                                  Toli Chowki