Hyderabad: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) on Thursday informed that all the candidates of TSLPRBT PC -2015 can download the Hall Tickets for Preliminary Written Test (PWT) from March 26 onwards.
The TSLPRB had issued a notification on 31-12-2015 for the recruitment of SCT Police Constables (Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP) in Police department, Constables (Men) in SPF and Firemen in TS Disaster Response and Fire Services department for which online applications were received from January 11 to February 4th. The Preliminary Written Test will be held on April 3 (Sunday) from 02.30 PM to 05.30 PM in all the district head quarters/towns/cities in the entire Telangana State.
All the candidates who have successfully uploaded the applications and received SMS/E-Mail in confirmation are informed that the Hall Tickets for Preliminary Written Test (PWT) of TSLPRBT PC -2015 can be downloaded from 8 AM on March 26 to April 1st midnight by giving the following details. Registration Number, Registered Mobile Number and SSC or its equivalent Hall Ticket Number.
Candidates whose Hall Tickets could not be downloaded may contact support@tslprb.in or 040-23150362 & 040-23150462 by mentioning the above three details.
Candidates after downloading the Hall Tickets and “Important Instructions to the Candidates” should go through all the instructions carefully in their own interest and comply with the same, TSLPRB Chairman Dr. J. Puranachandra Rao said on Thursday. (INN)