A meeting of Hajj Committee was held yesterday under the chairmanship of its president Mr. Syed Khaleel Uddin Ahmed. It was decided to make a representation to abandon user charges at Hyderabad Airport. The members of the Hajj committee opined that the matter should be taken up with the civil aviation ministry so that a permanent solution could be brought out. It was also felt that Hajj House should be constructed on Govt. land The Committee requested the Govt. to allot Govt. land with in the Municipal limit of Hyderabad city. Mr. Mohd Mahmood Hussain Engineer told that the officials of Airport are collecting user charges even from the Hajj Committee members which is inappropriate. This should be stopped.
Maulana Sadiq Mohiuddin, Mr. Raza Hussain Azad, Ms. Malika Begum, Mr. Rahmatullah Khan, Mr. Mohd Pasha, Mr. Shaik Shareef and Mr. Mohd Ibrahim attended the meeting. Mr. Abdul Hameed CEO of Hajj Committee explained that in the last meeting also the members of the Hajj committee represented the matter to External Affairs Minister, Mr. Salman Khurshid but nothing has happened.
–Siasat News