Hyderabad: Pilgrims of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states will begin leaving for Mina on Friday night and Hajj days will begin from Saturday. Special Officer Hajj Committee Prof. S A Shukoor told that pilgrims of Azizia and Green Category have been informed by their respective volunteers to be ready after Isha on Friday to leave for Mina. Muallim will arrange buses and all the pilgrims will be shifted to Mina during the night itself. They will leave from their buildings to Mina in the state of Ihram.
Mr. Shukoor further informed that the pilgrims who fell ill due to intense heat have been provided medicines and they are well now. Those who were admitted in the hospital have been discharged. Lady pilgrim of Jogipet, Medak district who underwent hip bone surgery is fast recovering; it is hoped that she will restore complete health before the beginning of Hajj days.
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