Mr. Shaik Mohammed Iqbal, IPS, Commissioner of Minorities Welfare instructed the Executive officer of Hajj committee, Mr. M.A. Hameed to file a case in Abids police station against the former member and coordinator of Hajj Committee, Mr. Muneeruddin Muqtar for not submitting the accounts of the advances taken by him.
It is alleged that Mr. Muqtar took an advance of Rs. 1, 14, 900 in connection with his visit to Saudi Arabia to invite Imam Kaaba. During Hajj season 2011, he took an advance of Rs. 59513 which still remains to be settled. Mr. N. Lakshman, Sub-Inspector of Police, Abids register the case number 71/2014 under 406, 403 and 420 of Indian Penal Code and started investigation.
–Siasat News