Baghpat (Uttar Pradesh): Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) chief Chaudhary Ajit Singh on Wednesday took a jibe on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that had he gone to Sri Lanka he would have said that he has killed the demon Ravana, as nobody but him has done any work.
Addressing a gathering here, he said, “This man is so smart and cunning that if he had gone to Sri Lanka he would have told us that he is the one who has killed Ravana because you see nobody has done anything apart from him.”
Furthermore, he claimed that the government spends Rs 70,000 crore on Modi’s clothes.
He added, “This man wear caps, which are not the ones you wear. He gets caps from I don’t know where and then has the audacity to say ‘I am a beggar,’ if he is a beggar then I pray to God that I be made a beggar too. They will eat, wear, travel for free and when it comes to taking some responsibility he will say I am a beggar.”
Accusing the Prime Minister of failing to do his duty he said, “If we need a chowkidar we will get it from Nepal. We need a Prime Minister.”
He also alleged that Modi has not fulfilled his promises whether it be Bullet train, Swacch Bharat, Skill India, Make in India and others.