Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Naresh Gujral on Monday said that the Punjab Government had a doubt that Pakistan will do something mischievous, adding that the state government will deal with terrorism in a strict manner.
The intelligence inputs say that we need to be alert as something might happen, but it does not tell when and where a particular incident is going to happen…We had a doubt that Pakistan will do some mischief, we did not know where it will happen. I want to assure you that our government will with terrorism in a strict manner, said Gujral.
One militant has been killed while a Punjab Special Service Group (SSG) jawan has sustained injuries in the ongoing operation at Dina Nagar Police Station in Punjab’ s border district Gurdaspur.
Security has been enhanced across Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the Gurdaspur terror attack, which has so far claimed the lives of 10 people, including six civilians.
Security has also been beefed up at the North and South Block.
Meanwhile, the Special Forces team has reached the location of the terror attack, which has been cordoned off.