Chandigarh: Gurgaon police on Thursday said it has arrested two persons, including a jail official of the Bhondsi prison, and recovered some drugs and SIM cards that were allegedly meant to be supplied to jail inmates.
Gurgaon Police Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Crime Branch, Preet Pal Sangwan told reporters in Gurgaon that “during the past few days, we had information that some people were supplying drugs and SIM cards in the jail and we were keeping an eye on this. We also had information some jail officials could be involved in this”.
“We laid a trap and the man who came with drugs reached deputy jail superintendent Dharamveer Chautala’s residence (in Gurgaon) and handed over to him SIM cards and drugs after which we arrested him.
“The other arrested accused is Ravi alias Goldy, a resident of Lucknow, who was living on rent in Wazirabad (Gurgaon). He had got the drugs from someone else. We will investigate the source from whom he got the supply,” Sangwan said, adding that a case has been registered in this regard.
Police said that a raid was conducted at the jail official’s home and the police team allegedly recovered 230 gram of drugs and 11 SIM cards and both the accused were arrested from there.
Further investigation is underway, police said.