New Delhi: The Special Investigating Team (SIT) had demanded death sentence for 11 people who have been awarded life sentences in the Gulberg Society massacre during the 2002 Gujarat riots.
According to The Indian Express report, the SIT which probed the Gulberg Society massacre submitted its opinion to the Gujarat government seeking the government’s nod to file an appeal and seek death sentence to the 11 persons.
It also challenged the acquittal of 14 other convicts and demanded a life term for them.
Gulberg was one of the worst-affected Muslim localities in the heart of Ahmedabad.
The Gulberg Society massacre, which took place on February 28, 2002 when Narendra Modi was the Gujarat Chief Minister, shook the nation when a mob of 400 people set about attacking the society and killed 69 people including ex Congress MP Ahsan Jafri.
A special court on June 17 this year pronounced the quantum of sentence for 24 convicts. The court said the incident was “unfortunate” and a “darkest phase in civil society”.