Dahod: The police have arrested three persons on Saturday for allegedly raping two minor girls and then killing one of them in Gujarat’s Dahod district. The incident had taken place on May 14 while the victims were attending a wedding in Depada village. The police informed that the victims who aged nine and 16 are cousins.
They were raped while they stayed back in the village and had gone for nature’s call. The nine-year-old girl was killed and her body was dumped in a well, said officials as per a report by the Hindustan Times. According to the complaint lodged by father of nine-year-old at Limdi police station, he suspected three videographers who had attended the marriage function were involved in the offence.
The police then carried out investigations and arrested Kalpesh Katariya, Mehul Amaliyar and Sunil Gareshiya. The police said that the trio revealed that they had gang-raped the two girls and threatened the older one, while they killed the 9-year-old.