Gujarat to replace Bombay in old state laws: Modi

Gandhinagar, May 01: “Bombay” will now be replaced with “Gujarat” in all the acts and rules in force the state, Chief Minister Narendra Modi announced Saturday, terming it his government’s gift to the people on the completion of the year-long golden jubilee celebrations of the state.

The measure comes into force Sunday.

According to an official press release, there are 67 acts and laws still in force in the state which still carry the name ‘Bombay’.

Enacted when the state was still part of the undivided Bombay state, these acts and laws continued to have the old names even after Bombay state’s bifurcation and Gujarat coming into existence May 1, 1960. Acts, which came into force after that, carry the name Gujarat in their title.

The state assembly adopted “The Gujarat Short Titles (Amendment) Act, 2011″ during its budget session this year to replace “Bombay” with “Gujarat” in the titles of all the existing acts and laws. The bill received approval from Governor Kamla Beniwal earlier this month.