Hyderabad: Online grocery stores in Hyderabad including grofers are struggling to deliver products to the customer due to sudden spike in demand for essential commodities amid lockdown.
Hurdles in delivering products
As per reports, Grofers, BigBasket and Amazon are facing hurdles in delivering products as local authorities and police in various states have misinterpreted nationwide lockdown guidelines issued by the Central Government. They are reportedly shutting down warehouses and stopping trucks.
“Our @Grofers warehouse in Faridabad was closed by local law enforcement today. While we understand they are doing their duty, essential items will be denied to 20,000+ households in Faridabad and Delhi every day. We need help in sorting this out. @Mcf_Faridabad @ArvindKejriwal,” Grofers founder Albinder Dhindsa tweeted.
Online grocery stores in Hyderabad witness sales surge
Meanwhile, Grofers temporarily stopped taking any new order. The website of the online service displays message, “We will be back shortly. Please click below to get notified when we start accepting more orders”.
On the other hand, most of the essential products are out of the stock in major online grocery stores in Hyderabad.