New Delhi: In a move to avoid further deterioration of air pollution in Delhi, the top court in India has said all states except Delhi can use existing stocks of firecrackers.
While Delhi and it’s neighboring areas will have to stick to “green crackers” this Diwali to keep the pollution levels in check.
Southern states and Puducherry have been granted permission to play with firecrackers between 4:30 and 6:30 am, during festivals.
The top court has modified its last week’s order that had restricted the use of “safe and green” firecrackers from 8 pm to 10 pm on Diwali to contain the air pollution during the festival.
However, the Tamil Nadu government has urged the top court to allow it to burst firecrackers in the morning of the Diwali as per the customs of the state apart from already granted permission between 8 pm and 10 pm.
TN’s petition said that since each state or sect has a separate set of beliefs during the occasions and the restriction during the festival will amount to “rejecting the people with their due religious rights and would subject the people of the state into much hardship.”
The top court also said buying firecrackers from e-commerce is banned and that use of green crackers was only meant for Delhi and surrounding regions to keep in check the rising levels of air pollution.