New Delhi: Actress Urvashi Rautela says her character in her upcoming adult comedy “Great Grand Masti” is overcontrolling and overpowering. Urvashi, who plays the role of a ghost in the film, said her character has an essence of beauty and innocence.“My character in the film is overcontrolling and dominating. It was a difficult role to play as I was working with a group of talented actors and they are just amazing.
“When it comes to acting and characterisation I wanted to look equally good on the screen like my co-stars Ritesh (Deshmukh), Vivek (Oberoi) and Aftab (Shivdasani),” the 22-year-old actress said.
Urvashi said the movie is funnier and better than the past films in the franchise.
“I did romance, action and comedy altogether in this film so i had a great fun while shooting it. This film will be three times more funnier, bigger and grander than ever,” she said.
“Great Grand Masti” releases this Friday.