Meerut: President Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) Ajit Singh said the grand alliance will surely form in 2019 elections. He said non-BJP members have formed an alliance, now only leaders have to join the alliance.
Chaudhry Ajit Singh claimed that grand alliance will form at any cost but the picture will be completely clear in December only. Ajit Singh is on a 2-day visit to Meerut. During his visit, he made scathing attacks on BJP. Singh said anti-people BJP government must be removed from power.
Ajit Singh said RLD is the strong supporter of non-BJP alliance. RLD will never do political friendship will BJP. He said this is not Modi government but an event management company. They have made immersion of Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s ashes an event.
Singh informed that RLD will take initiative to unite farmers on the national level.