GPSC: Firojkhan Pathan bags first rank in examination for recruitment of Section Officer

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) announced the final result of the competitive examination for the posts of Section Officer, Class – II (Special Competitive Exam. for Graduate Deputy Section Officers, Sachivalaya Cadre and Gujarat Public Service Commission Cadre)-2018.

As per the result notification, Mr. Maarufkhan Firojkhan Pathan topped the list of candidates recommended to the Govt. for the appointment (Sanchivalya Cadre). He scored 243.30 and 33 marks in the written exam and viva-voce respectively. (Click here to view the list of all successful candidates).

It may be mentioned that in recent years, many Muslim candidates got success in the various competitive examination held in the country.

Youngest IAS Officer, IPS Officer, topper of Chartered Accountancy (CA) and National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) are some of the achievements of Muslim youths in recent years.

Despite many hurdles including financial, political, psychological etc, these youths proved, “Nothing is impossible”.