New Delhi: Asserting that Central Government is working towards the holistic transformation of the health sector, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that 31,000 MBBS and post-graduation seats in the medical sector have been increased in the last four-and-half years.
Modi made the statement at an interaction session with beneficiaries and entrepreneurs associated with the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana, from over 5000 places across the country, through Video conferencing.
“In last five years, 15 AIIMS have been constructed or are being constructed. 31,000 MBBS and post-graduation seats in the medical sector have been increased in last four-and-half years,” he said.
Speaking about the benefits of the scheme, the Prime Minister said, “Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana ensures medicines at affordable prices. We are working on the holistic transformation of the health sector. Our approach is – no silos, only solutions. We are ensuring that all stakeholders related to the sector work together.”
Asserting that the Central Government is providing high-quality medicines at a lower cost, he also informed that the plan has controlled more than 850 medicines.
“Prices related to heart stent and knee implants have been reduced”, he added.
Modi also took a jibe at the previous government run by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) for its slow approach towards development, while comparing the number of dispensaries during the incumbent and last government.
“From 2008 to 2014, only 80 shops (Janaushadhi outlets) were opened in six years. But more than 5,000 public dispensaries were opened by our government in less than five years after 2014. This vast difference is because the past government was never interested in scaling up the scheme and it was a mere formality for them,” he said.