Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy today informed the State Assembly that his government was prepared to have debate on the Indirasagar Polavaram tenders which was cancelled after allotting it to SEW-Patel-AMR Joint Venture following an uproar by the TDP alleging CL Rajam, a director on the board of SEW, was close to TRS Chief K Chandrasekhara Rao. The TDP also earlier alleged the work was given to the SEW-Patel-AMR in a ‘thanksgiving’ gesture to Mr Rao for ‘compromising’ on the Sakalu Janula Samme.
Intervening during the debate on the General Budget when the issue cropped up during the speech of TDP Legislator Tummala Nageswara Rao, the Chief Minister said on the advice of the High Power Committee, the tenders will be allotted again to another company. Mr Reddy said ‘we are committed to completion of the Polavaram Project at any cost as the project is important for the state and the Congress Government is ready for a debate.