Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath planted a sapling at his residence on the World Environment Day and said 30 crore saplings will be planted this season.
“A target has been set to plant 25 crore saplings in the first week in July. Plants of all kind (fruit-bearing, shady and timber) will be planted as per the agro-climatic zone,” he said.
“The World Environment Day conveys the message of establishing harmony with nature. This is in the interest of humanity. We should take an inspiration to plant more and more saplings from this day onwards,” he said.
The chief minister said an action plan is ready on ways to further promote organic farming in Uttar Pradesh, adding the results of the work performed in the last five years for clean and uninterrupted flow of the Ganga through the Namami Gange project are in front of all.
Adityanath said a special programme will be organised for plantation on the banks of the river Ganga.
Under this, a farmer who will plant a fruit-bearing tree on the bund of his field will get plants free while a farmer who does not use any chemical fertilizers and pesticides will also be given a grant on monthly basis, the CM added.