Chennai: The Additional Special Judge for Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Cases, Chennai has sentenced Captain P Mishra, the Deputy Nautical Advisor of Government of India and four other private persons to four years of rigorous imprisonment.
The CBI registered and investigated the case against Mishra, the then Nautical Surveyor, Mercantile Marine Department, Chennai on the allegations that, he abused his official position and issued ‘watch keeping certificates’ to four applicants, D.Rav, A. Ramalingam, Xavier Anto Kavasini and Justin Prabhakar based on forged and fabricated experience certificates submitted by them and obtained illegal gratification of Rs. 55,000 through Antony Pitchai, who had also arranged for the false experience certificate.
After completion of the investigation, charge sheet was filed against the said accused persons in the Competent Court.
On completion of the trial, the Court convicted all the five accused persons. A total fine of Rs. 2,25,000 was also imposed on them.