New Delhi [India]: With the opposition slamming the Uttar Pradesh Madarsa Shiksha Parishad (MSP) for directing all madrasas to hold celebrations on Independence Day and videograph the event, the state government on Friday said that it an “encouragement” in order to have a competition among various madrassas.
Speaking to ANI, UP Cabinet Minister for Health and government spokesperson Siddharth Nath Singh said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is proud that they are making a path where nationalism and national festivals are going to be celebrated with pride.
“Let us understand what the circular is all about. Every educational board, whether in the state or outside, is independent and being autonomous they have the right to issue any circular on how an Independence Day, Republic Day or any other festival should be conducted in their respective schools. In order to have a competition among the various madrasas, they need to videograph and the celebrations shall be made and that’s an encouragement,” he said.
“Now objection is being made and I really don’t understand as to why the opposition is making a hue and cry. As far as the BJP is concerned, we are proud that we are making a path where nationalism and national festivals are going to be celebrated with pride,” he added.
Earlier in the day, BJP leader Vinay Katiyar said that the people who do not agree with it should be categorised as “Deshdrohi”.
According to the circular, on Independence Day flag hoisting and recitation of the national anthem will be take place at 8 a.m.
Following this, tribute will be paid to the martyrs of the freedom struggle. Also, students will sing songs on nationalism and be told about the history of August 15 and the freedom fighters.
Further, cultural programmes will be organised on the theme of national unity, along with sports activities. (ANI)