New Delhi: With the recent spate of alleged molestation cases in Bengaluru triggering national outrage, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said on Sunday the incidents were being viewed seriously and protecting the dignity of women is his government’s top priority. “The recent unpleasant incidents in Bengaluru concerning assaults on women have been viewed very seriously and our government is committed to bringing to book the perpetrators of these kinds of heinous crimes,” Siddaramaiah said.
“Ensuring safety and protecting the dignity of women remains our topmost priority. Effective steps are being taken to increase the rate of conviction in such cases,” he said.
Siddaramaiah was speaking at the inauguration of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention in Bengaluru that was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Portugal Prime Minister Antonio Costa and Suriname Vice President Michael Ashwin Adhin, besides several Chief Ministers.
The Chief Minister’s statement comes following recent incidents of alleged molestation that have led to public anxiety and anger and raised questions about women’s safety in the country’s IT capital. Two motorcycle-borne men allegedly tried to molest a woman while she was returning home from a gym on January 4 with the incident coming to light on Saturday.
A woman was allegedly assaulted near her house early on Friday when a man stalked her while she was headed towards a bus-stop on a deserted road and tried to molest the victim who suffered injuries on her lips, tongue, hand and toes as she tried to resist him.