Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had promised to provide 12 pc reservations to Muslims within 4 months after coming to power. But the government made no serious attempt to fulfil the promise not its allies mounted pressure on it to make the government fulfil its promise.
Muslims’ educational and economic backwardness was reviewed by forming Sudhir Commission but when the commission submitted its report it was given a government Committee report status instead of giving it Commission’s status. Thus it was tried to proof the report as insignificant, perhaps because the commission had recommended 9 to 12 percent reservations to Muslims on the basis of their backwardness. Had the government been serious to implement Commission’s recommendations it would have announced reservations on the basis of its report.
According to reliable sources the experts whose help was sought in preparation of report also had to say that separate comprehensive survey should have been done by the commission itself so that reservations could be free from legal tangles.
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