Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Kadiyam Srihari on Sunday said that the state government is strengthening school education in the state and was taking various measures in this direction.
Speaking at the three day conference of district education officers (DEOs) and regional joint directors (RJDs) here, the minister said that the government has undertaken exercise to notify all the vacancies in schools and would fill them before the commence of coming academic year. The government would ensure appointment of permanent teachers in all government schools through Public Service Commission, he said.
The Deputy CM said that efforts were on to provide basic facilities at all schools. He also said that the government would take up rationalization of schools based on the strength of students and teachers. He said that the government would introduce bio-metric system of attendance and reverse osmosis (RO) water purifies and computer labs in the state run high schools.
Kadiyam said that the government would appoint Vidya Volunteers within 24 hours if it is brought to the notice of state government about the requirement of the same in particular schools. (INN)