Goran holds USA responsible for violence in Kurdistan

Baghdad, April 20 :Goran Kurdish Change Movement said on Monday that the USA is responsible for the people’s blood in Suleimaniah and Irbil in Kurdistan. Change Movement pointed that the region’s authorities are dealing in a hysteric way with the protesters.

Change Movement MP Saradar Abdullah told Alsumarianews that the “movement holds USA and its embassy in Baghdad responsible for the violence acts that are taking place in the streets especially that US troops are deployed in Suleimaniyah and Irbil.”

Suleimaniyah Health Directorate said on Monday that 15 people were entered to hospitals the majority of whom are security forces. Meanwhile, demonstrations are still ongoing near Al Saray Square, Alsumarianews reporter said. Anti-riots police opened fire on the demonstrators and clashed with them, the reporter added.

Dozens of Suleimaniyah citizens demonstrated on Sunday in Al Saray square in the middle of Suleimaniyah and clashed with security forces when they headed towards Asayech Directorate. Security forces opened fire and wounded two demonstrators one of whom suffers from serious injuries.

“USA alleges that it supports democracy but in Kurdistan region it supports two regimes”, Abdullah uttered. “The unlimited support it grants to those two regimes would complicate the peaceful political movement the opposition is intending to make”, he added.

As to the way Security Forces are dealing with demonstrators in Kurdistan region, Change Movement MP said that the officials were acting hysterically yesterday, they claim while they attack protesters.
“Kurdistan citizens decided to protest and they not go back to their houses unless authority answers their demands and if it refuses to do so it would have to face the people’s insistence,” Goran MP said.
