Google bans extension of Chrome browser that picks out Jews

An extension of Google Chrome browser has been banned which was being used to identify Jewish names on the internet. It is surrounded by three sets of brackets, or parentheses.

These symbol are described as a secret signal as punctuation does not show up in ordinary web searches.

Google said it broke its hate speech rules by blocking the extension from its store. Which is known as the “coincidence detector” it refers reference to a conspiracy theory about Jewish people and global control.

The extension was developed by a far-right group called alt- right. Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor of the New York Times, replied after receiving a tweet with his name wrapped around with brackets. He said he was “belling the cat”.

Most of them are changing their names on Twitter “Nobody’s telling us to self-identify. We are showing strength and fearlessness,” he tweeted.

He also said that much of the hate appeared to come with “self-identified Donald J Trump supporters” and many had Twitter names which included the US presidential candidate’s name