Mumbai, Sep 27 : The Shiv Sena on Sunday welcomed the Shiromani Akali Dal’s (SAD) decision to quit the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance to protest against the three agriculture-related Bills.
The SAD is the second party — and among the BJP’s oldest allies — after the Shiv Sena to have parted ways with the BJP in the past one year.
“Both parties (Shiv Sena and SAD) stood by the BJP through thick and thin while others joined hands when they smelt power. Shiv Sena was forced to quit the NDA last year while Akali Dal has now quit over the farm Bills. We felt sad over the development,” Shiv Sena chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut said.
In October 2019, after the results of the Maharashtra Assembly polls were announced, Shiv Sena had broken ranks with the BJP as the latter, which won more seats, refused to concede the post of Chief Minister.
The Sena also bitterly accused BJP leaders of betraying it on the issue after promising to give the post of CM.
“Shiv Sena and SAD were pillars of the NDA which are no longer there and the present dispensation cannot be called NDA anymore,” Raut added.
“This is a different kind of alliance. The Shiv Shiv appreciates Shiromani Akali Dal’s decision to break ties with the NDA in the interest of farmers,” Raut tweeted.