The Plannng Minister Rao Inderjit Singh said on Friday the Central Government has announced that Aadhar card can be issued to Non Resident Indians (NRIs) too, because NRIs would also live in this country and may require various facilities for living. It is valid know your customer (KYC) document for various services including banking, telecom, cooking gas subsidy, vehicle registration, driving license, government scholarships, pension and public distribution system. Aadhaar Card does not confer any citizenship entitlements, and so even foreigners can obtain it.
Under the Aadhaar project the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is providing a unique identity numbers to residents, which can be digitally, verified using the database.
How to apply for NRI Aadhar Card
- The NRI applicant must provide the basic NRI identity, such as Green Card of USA, the identity proof from the establishment in which they are employed or engaged. This is to establish the genuineness of the NRI requiring staying in a particular country.
- The NRI has to complete the Aadhar application and submit the same with the documents stated above at the appropriate Office or agency, which processes the Aadhar registrations.
- The NRIs too have to submit for biometric and iris recordings, such as finger prints and eye ball recordings.
- This recording process also includes photographing of the individual, which will be the photograph appearing in the Aadhar Card.