Goldman Sachs predicts India will become world’s second largest economy by 2075

Banking giant Goldman Sachs has made bold predictions about the future of the global economy and predicted that India will become the second-largest economy in the world by surpassing the United States by 2075.

In its recent report, the investment company also predicted that India will surpass claim the third position by 2050. Currently, India is in fifth position in terms of GDP as it recently surpassed the United Kingdom.

Pakistan will become sixth largest economy, predicts Goldman Sachs

One of the notable surprises in the report was the prediction that Pakistan, a country grappling with financial challenges, would become the sixth largest economy in the world by 2075.

Another surprising prediction was that Nigeria will emerge as the fourth largest economy by 2075.

Following are the predictions made by Goldman Sachs

Ranking 20502075
2United StatesIndia
3IndiaUnited States
7United KingdomEgypt
10RussiaUnited Kingdom
Top 10 economies as predicted by Goldman Sachs [Source: Goldman Sachs report]

List of countries by GDP

Currently, the list of countries by GDP is topped by the United States. The second on the list is China. In the list, India is in fifth position.

Following is the list of top 10 countries in terms of GDP

  1. United States
  2. China
  3. Japan
  4. Germany
  5. India
  6. United Kingdom
  7. France
  8. Italy
  9. Canada
  10. Brazil

GDP vs GDP per capita

While GDP serves as a measure of a country’s economic size, it fails to capture the amount of money earned per person in a nation. It is GDP per capita which reflects the average income earned per person in a nation.

According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita, amounting to USD 132.37 thousand. In contrast, India’s GDP per capita stands at USD 2.6 thousand.

Following is the list of top 10 countries in terms of GDP per capita

  1. Luxembourg
  2. Ireland
  3. Norway
  4. Switzerland
  5. Singapore
  6. Qatar
  7. United States
  8. Iceland
  9. Denmark
  10. Australia