Rajkot: In order to pay off Rs 1 crore dues to the traders, a Jewellery shop owner and his son reported killed a 52-year-old salesman who was carrying 2.5 crores worth of gold with him.
The incident is reported from Rajkot where the salesman identified as Zinzuwadia working for Aditya Elegance- biggest jewelry showroom in the town was brutally hacked to death on Saturday evening by 52-year-old Bharat Lathigara and his son Sumit who owned a jewelry store in Soni Bazar, Mirror now.
Initial investigations carried out by Crime branch who successfully solved the case within 7 hours revealed, Bharat dues worth of Rs 1 crore that he owed to five traders. In order to pay his dues the father-son duo hatched the plan to kill Zinuwadia who was reportedly carrying a large amount of gold for the auspicious day of Ashadi Beej.
According to TOI’s report KK Jadeja, police sub-inspector who solved the murder mystery said, “The Lathigras had plotted the crime a week ago and had targeted Zinzuwadia for two reasons. First, they knew Zinzuwadia worked for a big firm that dealt with huge quantities of gold. Second, that he would be carrying a large quantity as it was the auspicious day of Ashadhi Beej.”
Bharat called up Zinzuwadia around noon and asked him to drop by the store to take some orders.
When Zinzuwadia reached the jewelry store, Bharat asked him to get into his innova car and leave the scooter behind for taking the delivery to the client. He then deliberately left his phone at the shop and took the car to an open space to Pujara plot.
After reaching the location Bharat called his son summit using Zinzuwadia’s phone and informed that the salesman indeed was carrying 2.5 kg of gold with him.
He sprayed anesthesia on the salesman after confirming the gold bag. Meanwhile, Summit also reached the location and strangled the salesman to death. They later threw his phone in a nearby small canal and disposed the body at Kishan Goshala.
They ran away with the jewelry boxes that carried gold but were fortunately nabbed by the Police.