Panaji: In a bid to reach out to voters in the run-up to the next Lok Sabha polls, the BJP’s Goa unit will meet 1,000 “prominent persons” in the state to apprise them of its Central government’s achievements over the last four years, a party leader said on Tuesday.
“The party leaders have decided to contact about 1,000 prominent persons all over Goa to apprise them about the Central government’s performance in the last four years under the ‘Sampark Se Samarthan’ programme,” BJP Goa spokesperson Premanand Mahambre told reporters, after a meeting of the party’s state office bearers here.
He also said that the party’s office bearers would engage with people from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities in parts of the state, which have significant pockets of population of these categories.
“The party will also organise two district level conclaves of the beneficiaries of Central government’s programmes. Two conclaves of intellectuals will also be held in each of the districts in Goa,” Mahambre said.