Go for the kill, JP tells partymen

Hyderabad, June 17: Lok Satta Party president Jayaprakash Narayan today told his party activists that they had to develop`killer instinct’ instead of depending solely on the party’s image to win elections. Addressing partymen who contested the elections, he said that although most of them were new to politics and elections they had put up a creditable performance in the face of traditional parties’ bid to induce voters with money and liquor and ‘vicious’ propaganda that a vote for Lok Satta would be a vote wasted.

“You don’t win an election simply by being good and sincere. You have to live amidst people, fight for their causes and provide competent leadership to convert goodwill into votes,’’ he said.

The party leadership began a three-day review of its electoral performance.

The contestants, divided into three batches, are giving the feedback.
