Gmail users should not legitimately expect content privacy argues Google

Search engine Google has reportedly argued that its mail-service users have ‘no legitimate expectation of content privacy’ in response to a class-action lawsuit which has accused Google of violating wiretap law when it scans emails to serve up targeted ads.

According to the Huffington Post, Google has argued that all users of Gmail must necessarily expect that their emails will be subject to automated processing by ECS providers asserting that if a user entrusts his personal messages to a third party, he can’t expect that the third party won’t touch any of that information.

Google has also argued that restricting how email providers are permitted to process the data they receive could ‘criminalize’ features like spam filtering and inbox searches.

This comes in light of the growing worldwide debate over privacy and security after the NSA leaks which revealed that major internet corporations are involved in furnishing web user data to security agencies without following the legal channel. (ANI)