Handlooms and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao today asked the officials concerned to prepare detailed project reports (DPRs) for setting up an apparel park at Peddur in Siricilla district. The minister held a meeting at his camp office and reviewed on the progress of the proposal to set up an apparel park in 60 acres. Stating that Rs 203 cr will be spent for work sheds and make 1104 workers as owners he asked to shift worksheds for the workers from Mandepalli to Peddur and speed up the works.
The officials of textiles, TSPCO, TSIIC and district administration should coordinate for speedy completion of the works. The minister said that the project will boost textile production and give employment to many workers. KTR also pulled up the officials for failing to speed up the works of the roads and integrated collectorate buildings. He warned of action if the officials failed to complete them on time. (NSS)