Give Israel North, South Carolina: Syria to USA over Golan Heights row

New York: Syria strongly criticised the United States’ decision to recognise Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights at a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting here on Wednesday (local time).

“You can give them North and South Carolina, for example, why not? South Carolina is a great piece of land…So, give Israel a couple of states if this administration really wants to have Israeli support,” Sputnik quoted Syria’s UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari as saying at the meeting.

He further accused the United States of trying to increase the chances of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu coming back to power following the upcoming elections, despite charges of bribery and fraud against him as well as trying to appease the Israeli lobby.

Claiming that Golan Heights would eventually “come back” to Syria, Jaafari said: “Don’t be misguided by thinking that one day this land will be yours due to hypocrisy or due to being a pawn in the electoral game where you bring each other support, so the Israeli can succeed in their elections and the Americans can also get support from Israeli lobbying groups in the US.”

The United States was widely criticised for its move at the meeting by countries like the United Kingdom and Russia.

They claimed that Washington’s decision violated international law and previously US-supported UNSC resolutions.
