Gurgaon: Rakbar Insaaf Committee has organized a mahapanchayat on Sunday morning. This mahapanchayat was held in Nuh’s Kolgaon. Hundreds of persons from Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi attended this event.
According to the report published in Indian Express, Mr. Ramzan Choudhary, President of All India Mewati Samaj said that their demands include SC-monitored investigation, compensation of Rs. 50 lakh by Rajasthan Government and a government job for the widow of Rakbar. They also want the government to take responsibility of education of victim’s seven children.
The committee demands arrests of local MLA Gyandev Ahuja and Naval Kishore Sharma who is an eyewitness and Chief of VHP’s local Gau Raksha cell.
Mahapanchayat set the deadline of August 6 to fulfill of these demands.
Swaraj India Leader, Mr. Yogendra Yadav said that the incident is of great sorrow and shame. Citing different lynching incidents including the case of Akhlaq, Junaid, Pehlu, Akbar, Mr. Yadav questioned, what is going on in the country?
It may be mentioned that recently Rakbar Khan was reportedly killed by cow vigilantes in Rajasthan’s Alwar district.