Hyderabad: Girls outperformed boys in both the first and second years of Intermediate Public Examination whose results were announced here on Thursday.
The total pass percentage in inter first year was 60.50% while it was 64.80% in second year in the General Category. It was 53.2% in the first year and 46% in second year for Vocational.

The girls pass percentage in first year was 66% as against boys’ 55%. Similarly, in second year, girls pass percentage was 70.80% as against boy’s pass percentage of 58.2%.
Declaring the results, Telangana Education Department Secretary Dr. B. Janardhan Reddy informed that with a pass percentage of 76% Medchal district was on top in Telangana State while Medak was on the bottom with just 29% pass percentage.
The overall pass percentages in both inter first and second years have dropped compared to last year. For First Year, it was 57.37% in 2017 and then it increased to 62.73% in 2018. But this year it dropped to 60.50%. Similarly, for Second Year, it increased from 67% in 2017 to 67.06% in 2018. But this year, it dropped to 64.8%.
The last date for payment of examination fee for I & II year Intermediate Advance Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2019 is April 25. There is no provision for payment of fee with penalty after the due date. The supplementary exams will be held from May 14 onwards; Practical Examinations from 25th to 29th May; Ethics and Human Values Examinations on May 30 and Environmental Education exams on May 31.
The first year candidates who have passed in all papers can appear for improvement, on payment of Rs. 150 per paper in addition to the normal examination fee. The better of Old/New performance will be taken only for those candidates who passed in all subjects.
For 1st and 2nd year candidates, there is a provision for Recounting and supply of scanned copy-cum-Reverification of valued answer scripts. The candidates who wish to avail these facilities have to pay online, an amount of Rs. 100 per paper for Recounting and Rs. 600 per paper for scanned copy-cum-reverification of answer book, through BIE website http://bie.telangana.gov.in, student online services or TS Online Centre. They can also apply through BIE website by logging on to www.bie.telangana.gov.in and select Re-verification/ Recounting of valued Answer Scripts in student services from 19th to 25th April.