Girlophobia: Mother stabbed baby girl 17 times, slited her throat with a kitchen knife in desperation for son

“A knife was used to kill the baby, who had 17 injury marks on her body. The knife was been recovered at the instance of the accused”.

Jaipur: On August 26 Neha Goyal started screaming that her baby girl was missing. A hospital confirmed baby Mahika was dead as four month old was found inside an unused air-conditioner, motionless and covered in a blanket.

To the utter shock of police, after hours it investigated that Neha Goyal, 35, slited her baby’s throat with a kitchen knife. The body of a baby had 17 stab wounds.

On Thursday, police arrested Neha, the mother of an eight year old daughter. According to the police who investigated the case with proofs she admitted that she was upset about having a second daughter.

Neha said that, she considered IVF and surrogacy and even performed elaborate pujas in her desperation of having son.

Blood was found in Neha’s bathroom, which had signs that it had been cleaned up and the blood on the baby’s body matched that of her mother.
Jaipur police officer Angshuman Bhomia, said, “A knife was used to kill the baby, who had 17 injury marks on her body. The knife was been recovered at the instance of the accused”.

“She had done pujas for a baby boy, we have interrogated the priests who did these pujas for her.she was very upset that she had a baby girl. This was planned murder,” added Mr Bhomia.