Aurangabad: In a heartrending incident occurred on Monday morning in a library established at the first floor of Samaj Kalyan Bhawan, a girl student jumped from the roof of the building. The 16-year-old girl was found drenched in blood and her broken watch was lying near her. The students who had come to library informed security guard who in turned informed supervisor of the library.
The girl has been identified as the daughter of Saroj Shankar Lal Baghele resident of Bazar Chowk. According to Inquilab ‘Donate my body organs’ was written on the left palm of the girl. Police is investigating the case from all angles.
Girl’s father told that his daughter was very intelligent. She has been going to library located at Samaj Kalyan Bhawan to study for the past one year. He said there were no issues at the house and they were living happily.
Meanwhile, the doctors treating the girl and police are waiting for her to regain consciousness to solve mystery.