Ghulam Nabi Azad launches National Urban Health Mission in Bangalore

Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday launched the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) here to provide timely quality health services to the urban poor.

“Eight years back we launched National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), in which we launched many hospitals, which resulted in reduced infant and maternity mortality rate. We want to launch same thing in urban areas,” he told media here today.

“The mission envisages setting up health check-up infrastructure and create manpower for the welfare of the poor dwelling in cities and towns on the lines of the National Rural Health Mission,” he added.

He also said that primary health centres, sub-centres, referral units would be strengthened in urban areas and manned by auxiliary nurse midwifes (ANMs).

“Mobile health check-up vans will visit these centres with two doctors, two nurses and a pharmacist,” he added.

The health facilities will be set up in the slums and urban poor neighbourhoods with a population of 50,000, and the existing healthcare centres would also be strengthened up.

Azad said that the focus would be mainly on the new born and adolescent children, especially people from the poor background because ensuring their safety at a young age would make sure that they live a long healthy life.

Other than various programmes included in the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), free medicines would be given and a special herbal biscuit will be provided to all malnourished children

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddharamiah was also present at this event, along with State Health Minister U.T. Khader.