GHMC to setup quarantine center in every zone of the city

Hyderabad: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has set up a quarantine center in each zone of the city and in case of any emergency these centers will be activated,

Pesticide spray is being carried out along with a fever survey across the city. A trained nurse is being accompanied by Asha workers to interact with the fever patients to advise them about the treatment and medicines.

The GHMC officials are providing facilities to the fever survey staff in twin cities and reviewing their survey entries.

With the inclusion of GHMC staff in the fever survey under the supervision of the Health Department officials, the responsibility of the survey has been formally assigned to the Municipal body.

According to the GHMC officials, a total of 30 quarantine centers have been set up across the city and in case of any emergency, the citizens may avail this facility.

A plan is also being made to supply oxygen to these centers in case of an emergency.

The officials have given instructions to all the wards and zone fever staff to include all the households and ensure medical checks for everyone.

The state government is providing medical facilities at the people’s doorsteps. In case of fever survey is not conducted in any locality the citizens can inform by calling the helpline: 040-21111111