Hyderabad: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is launching one more application to show details about the development works. It is said that through the new application, it will be easy to review the development work details.
A number of apps are in use in GHMC but this new App is considered to be a unique one as the GHMC’s Engineering Department could be saved from allegations through this App.
However, apprehensions are being expressed about the implementation of this App as there was another App Measurement Book (MB) that was not being implemented. Through MB, the details of the engineering works were to be entered daily by the Engineers which was not being done. Rather this task was being undertaken by the contractors themselves and entering the details as per their whims and desires. The concerned engineers are merely signing on those details.
To streamline the above method, another App Electronic Assessment and Monitoring was launched. But it is said that under the pressure of the contractors this App is not being used.
In Engineering Department, one more reformative measure is being introduced through this online App where the day-to-day performance of the Department shall be recorded. The application is already under experiment.
The details of maintenance and contractors’ work shall be entered into this app. The concerned AE shall check these details and according to the work the bills shall be approved or paid.
Through this App, the whimsical attitude of the contractors can be controlled. Now the contractors have to complete the project within the deadlines as after the lapse of the deadline they would not be able to enter their work details.
If this App is implemented the contractors have to complete the projects on a war footing. The delay in bill payment or its speed up will not be possible.
Through this app, on one hand, the contractors could be controlled and the Engineering Department’s performance could be kept under the lens.
Now, the question is: Can the GHMC implement this app or it will meet the same fate as its predecessors.