The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation on Wednesday paid huge tributes to former minister and first woman Mayor Sarojini Pulla Reddy.
Speaking on the condolence motion, during the GHMC’s ordinary meeting held at corporation’s headquarters, MLCs MS Prabhakar (Congress) and Aminul Hassan Jafferi (MIM) and floor leaders Mohammad Nazeeruddin (MIM) and D Rambabu (Congress) lauded the services of Sarojini Pulla Reddy who served the city and State in different capacities. Prabhakar also demanded installation of her statue in the city.
Sarojini Pulla Reddy, 85, passed away on February 3 at her Bowenpally residence due to old age ailments. Besides being the Mayor of Hyderabad, she also served as the minister for Municipal Administration and Women and Child Welfare.
The GHMC members also observed two minute silence as a mark of respect for the departed leader.
Earlier, as soon as the GHMC meet began, the Congress members moved an adjournment motion seeking condolence motion on Sarojini Pulla Reddy. While the MIM members wanted condolence motions on former MLA Khaja Nizamuddin and ex-corporator of Golconda Mohammad Ahmed, the TDP wanted the council to condole the martyrdom of soldiers Sudhakar Singh and Hemraj.
After the condolence, GHMC Mayor Mohammad Majid Hussain adjourned the council. (INN)