The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has collected Rs. 200 crores in the Early Bird scheme of Property Tax for the year 2016-17. Last year, the collection under the scheme was Rs. 177 crore.
The State Government has announced the scheme of giving 5% rebate for those who pay the Property Tax before 30th April. Nearly 240,000 tax payers has availed the opportunity and paid their Property Tax under the scheme.
In the year 2015-16, in the early bird scheme 264,000 people had paid their Property Tax wherein the GHMC collected Rs. 177 crores. This year, many corporate houses and banks have come forward to pay their property tax in the early bird scheme. The State Government has already waived property tax up to Rs. 1200 for which the GHMC has lost the revenues of nearly Rs. 20 crores. (INN)