GHMC appeals Property Tax payers to make payment by March 15th

GHMC Commissioner Somesh Kumar said that the Government has released a GO No. 90, dated 01.03.2014 with regard to waiver of interest on arrears and current year dues of Property Tax up to 31.03.2014 and adjustment of interest already paid by the tax payers against the future property tax.

The Commissioner appealed to all the tax payers who were waiting for this Government order are now can pay their taxes immediately not waiting up till 31st March 2014. He also informed that those who pay the property tax before 15th March and avail the opportunity of getting the gifts.

Somesh Kumar while interacting with the media said that the GO which has been released on Saturday would be of great help to the GHMC to achieve the target of Rs. 1250 crores. He informed that 6 important measures have been taken care giving training to Bill Collectors and regularly reviewing Deputy Commissioners, Zonal Commissioners regularly and as incentives have already been announced to the Bill Collectors and Tax Inspectors those who collect more than 1 ½ times more than that of a last year will be given 3 months’ basic pay to them as a token of encouragement.

The Commissioner further announced that 5 to 8 teams in each circle have been arranged depending upon the amount of collection of that particular circle. 18 special teams from Head Office are being deployed to assist all the Deputy Commissioners of 18 Circles for deriving good results, he said. A central team headed by Additional Commissioner (Planning), Additional Director, fire Services, Additional SP, Vigilance & Enforcement to coordinate among themselves to collect the property tax from big defaulters, he added.

Somesh Kumar said that as on today the GHMC has collected Rs. 605 crores and clear instructions to Bill Collectors have been given to collect the property tax which are more than Rs. 5000, Rs. 10,000 and more to Tax Inspectors, Rs. 20,000/- and more to Valuation Officers and overall AMC, DC, ZC, Special Officers will coordinate among themselves to collect the property tax to reach their target assigned to them. If anybody who have not collected the tax up to the mark will be called for the explanation and the explanation is not satisfied suitable action will be initiated against the concerned officials, he added. (INN)