The National General Strike at the joint call of all the Central Trade Unions today has received an unprecedented response from all sections of workers and nearly ten crore of workers have taken part and made a historic success, All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) claimed today. Informing this to UNI, AIBEA General Secretary C H Venkatachalam said the strike was against the increasing attacks on workers and the globalization and liberalization policies of the UPA Government at the Centre have added to the miseries of the common people and workers. He said Exploitation of the workers is on the increase.
There is huge job loss for the workers and nearly 40 lakh workers have lost their job in the recent years. While employers are getting bailed out, workers interests are sold out. Labour laws are being violation by the employers and Government is openly supporting the employers, he said. Mr Venkatachalam said the Public sector is being disinvested and privatised and added the alarming price rise is seriously affecting the workers and in fact all sections of the common people. The Government is ‘insensitive’ to the problems of the workers, he alleged and said no steps are being taken to address these issues.