New Delhi: General Hindu is liberal, don’t withdraw, don’t lose heart, said Gandhist leader and senior journalist Kuldip Nayar during the launch ceremony of the new portal saying that the 2019 election is nearing, he urged the audience to use their right to vote. The function was held in Constitution Club, New Delhi. sadatoday chairman Aslam Chishti’s book and sadatoday chief editor Dr Waseem Rashid’s book were also released on the occasion.
Noted filmmaker, producer, director and social worker Mahesh Bhatt who was the chief guest of the programme echoed Kuldip Nayar’s thoughts and dedicated an Urdu couplet for Muslims
Ab Khushi deke aazmaale khuda
In ghamaun se to main nahi marta
Former vice-chancellor Jamia Milia Islamia Syed Shahid Mehdi and internationally renowned 95-year-old poet Pandit Mohan Zutshi Gulzar Dehlvi also addressed the programme as guests of honour.