Geeta, the deaf and mute girl who returned from Pakistan recently, would love to meet the “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” star Salman Khan and said that the superstar would be able to find her parents and would take her home. She interacted with the media here today with the help of Monika Punjabi Verma, a sign language expert. Salman Khan’s latest film “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” had a plot bearing similarity to Geeta’s story, about an Indian man helping a Pakistani girl find her parents.
District collector P Narhari said the authorities were trying to contact Salman’s manager. “We are hopeful that the he will approach us and fix an appointment with Geeta soon. Then we will seek permission from the government to facilitate the meeting,” he added. To a question, Geeta said Mohammad Ramzan, the Pakistani boy stranded in Bhopal for more than two years, should be helped the same way she was helped by the External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to return to India.